sábado, 13 de fevereiro de 2010

Faces da Índia

País dos contrastes mais violentos, da pobreza mais subhumana à riqueza mais ultrajante ( só a título de exemplo, estive em escritórios onde as cadeiras eram feitas em prata, enquanto os operários trabalhavam práticamente nus, com uma simples tanga e cobertos de pó branco de madeira, da cabeça aos pés) a Índia tem a particularidade de um colorido único, bem evidenciado nestas magníficas fotografias.

3 comentários:

  1. Eu em relação à Índia sou suspeito...

    Vivi lá um ano, todos os meus ascendentes do lado do meu Pai nasceram lá desde 1600 e troca-o-passo, tenho um montão de parentes lá, um dos meus primos é o attorney-general (procurador da república ?) de um estado lá...

    A minha amiga Rosa Mª P. antrópologa e conhecedora mas não sou o único a ser fascinado ...
    porque sim
    dix que o link que deixei acima é de a magical India, mas ambos adoramos a 'coisa'...



    E há para aí um livro carote da Portas mais novinha e de mais alguém, será a Inês Gonçalves ? (quem terá o diabo do meu ?) com photos espantosas...

  2. BBC - The Story of India with Michael Wood [Complete 6 Episodes] (2007)

    In his latest series ‘The Story of India’, Michael Wood explores the ancient sites that helped shape the history and culture of southern India. Join him as he explores six astonishing places, including Patna, once said to be the greatest city on earth; Madurai, a town that has existed continuously since the first millennium BC; and sites at the heart of India’s historic spice trade.

    01 - Beginnings
    Michael Wood journeys through the subcontinent, tracing the incredible richness and diversity of its peoples, cultures and landscapes. Through ancient manuscripts and oral tales Michael charts the first human migrations out of Africa. He travels from the tropical backwaters of South India through lost ancient cities in Pakistan to the vibrant landscapes of the Ganges plain. In Turkmenistan dramatic archaeological discoveries cast new light on India’s past.

    02 - The Power of Ideas
    Michael Wood’s epic series moves on to the revolutionary years after 500BC - the Age of the Buddha. Travelling by rail to the ancient cities of the Ganges plain, by army convoy through Northern Iraq, and on down the Khyber Pass, he shows how Alexander the Great’s invasion of India inspired her first empire.

    03 - Spice Routes and Silk Roads
    Documentary about the history of India presented by Michael Wood. In this episode he traces India in the days of the Roman Empire. In Kerala the spice trade opened India to the world, whilst gold and silk bazaars in the ancient city of Madurai were a delight for visiting Greek traders. From the deserts of Turkmenistan Michael travels down the Khyber Pass to Pakistan to discover a forgotten Indian Empire that opened up the Silk Route and at Peshawar built a lost Wonder of the World.

    04 - Ages of Gold
    Documentary series about the history of India. Presenter Michael Wood seeks out the achievements of the country’s golden age, discovering how India discovered zero, calculated the circumference of the Earth and wrote the world’s first sex guide, the Kama Sutra. In the south, he visits the giant temple of Tanjore and sees traditional bronze casters, working as their ancestors did 1,000 years ago.

    05 - The Meeting of Two Oceans
    The documentary series about the history of India charts the coming of Islam to the subcontinent and one of the greatest ages of world civilisation: the Mughals. Michael Wood visits Sufi shrines in Old Delhi, desert fortresses in Rajasthan and the cities of Lahore and Agra, where he offers a new theory on the design of the Taj Mahal. He also looks at the life of Akbar, a Muslim emperor who decreed that no one religion could hold the ultimate truth, but whose dream of unity ended in civil war.

    06 - Freedom and Liberation
    This episode examines the British Raj and India’s struggle for freedom. Wood reveals how in South India a global corporation came to control much of the subcontinent, and explores the magical culture of Lucknow, discovering the enigmatic Briton who helped found the freedom movement. He traces the Amritsar massacre, the rise of Gandhi and Nehru, and the events that led to the Partition of India in 1947.

  3. Ah, e amulher desse meu primo é do Rājasthān , todas as cores e sabores da Índia lá, é filha de um general indiano de aí, e sabe tudo o que há para saber sobre o place.
    O bochechas, por exemplo, também já lá esteve...

